MEDIA RELEASE: Getting Back to Doing What We Love
2 November 2021
The Covid Protection Framework announced on the 22nd of October, will give the club industry the certainty it needs to get back to doing what we love, without the need for snap lockdowns, says Clubs New Zealand.
“Once the framework is in place Clubs New Zealand will encourage all Clubs New Zealand member clubs to use the vaccine certificate requirements so that they can operate at the green and orange levels without restriction”, says Chief Executive Larry Graham.
“The Clubs New Zealand Board have agreed that best way forward for our clubs is the use of vaccine certificates, this will allow club activities to resume and most importantly it will help to protect the most vulnerable within our club and wider communities.”
“The use of vaccine certificates will likely also extend to Clubs New Zealand events and sporting tournaments.”
“The Board acknowledge that for some clubs there will be a high price to pay in order to get back to doing what we love. Some members who do not wish to be vaccinated will no longer be able to use the club and the vaccine mandate will apply to club staff.”
“There is a lot of detail yet to be announced and we still need to ensure that the framework will provide the legal protection as intended, however, Clubs New Zealand are cautiously optimistic that this framework will see the club community back in action for summer.”
For media enquiries, contact:
Clubs New Zealand National Office 0800 425 827
Clubs New Zealand Incorporated (Clubs New Zealand) is a not-for-profit, member led association representing more than 300 clubs around the country including Community Clubs, Cosmopolitan Clubs, Workingmen’s Club, Sports Clubs, and Returned Servicemen’s Associations (RSAs). Collectively our clubs employ more than 3,000 people and are a home away from home to over 300,000 club members. To find out more visit