Cancellation of Club Managers AGM

30 September 2021

Dear Members

Wearing the covid wise hat, under the uncertainty of current lockdown levels, 100 number restrictions and all the other imposed conditions, the tough decision has been made to cancel our 2021 AGM at Whangamata Club.

This means that you have to preserver with me as your President until our next AGM.  On that, I am sure you are all aware that our Group VP Dean Candy is no longer “in the house” escaping club life, retiring to the Hawkes Bay and will be sadly missed.  However, we have been fortunate that after some duress, (couple of beers) Vince Gardiner, long standing Manager of the Timaru Town and Country Club has agreed to assume Dean’s duties until our next AGM and is also prepared to make himself available going forward, as to, our current Secretary Raquel Renal. 

The cancellation of the AGM, however, does not mean we cannot compensate in a more limited fashion a downsized conference spread around 2 or 3 regions across the country.

As at today, we have received 47 registrations, for which travel and accommodation requirements would have been made, time out booked and I am also aware that some add a few extra days to make it a reasonable break.

Based on feedback from the Managers Group Members, in principle I propose that the Tauranga Citizens Club hosts a mini conference over the scheduled days (16-18 November), but cap the numbers to 50 with preference given to those already booked.  Meet and Greet on Tuesday, Wednesday conference content could still include a half day with Mike Kyne, and Thursday on the bus to Mike Williams at the Whangamata Club and any other presentations that we can arrange, then back to the Tauranga Citz (or attendees carry on as they wish).  As normal, costs to be covered by registrations fees with some hospitality provided by the Managers Group.

Auckland and the South Island could host a similar event in due course following covid restrictions being eased.

Those who were registered will be emailed separately to ascertain who would support the above concept, or whether we cancel for now and have a North and South when restrictions allow?


Lee Davis – Group President

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